الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2022

لوحات لتنيس ودمياط من رحلة الراهب نوي بيانكو حوالي 1527 م

ميناء تنيس
ميناء تنيس

مدينة تنيس بالأعلى، مدينة الإسكندرية بالأسفل
مدينة تنيس بالأعلى، مدينة الإسكندرية بالأسفل


النص التالي منسوخ من الكتاب، بلغته الأصلية (الإيطالية؟!) وتليه ترجمة جوجل له للإنجليزية:

Della citta di Tunisi, dico cosi : Che e' stata una 
bella citta, & edisicata sopra il letto del fiume 
chiamato Nison Ma una uolta si ui capitomo 
molti seluaggì uccelli, e mangìauano,e mordeuano 
la géte per tépo di notte nel letto , per modo che la 
mattina erano tutti insiati, si che nò si conosceuano 
l'uno l'altro.E per questo e' questa citta abbandona 
ta , e dishabitata ,e non gli sta persona 'E noi con 
le nostre Galee arriuassimo nel porto, ma noi non si 
potessimo accostare alla terra , per cagione del mare , 
ilquale non era 'anchora In buonaccia della fortuna 
che noi haueuamo hauuta, come io disopra 
ui ho contato, ma il padron solo della Galea e l'  
armiraglio.Et allhora uennono bene da trenta Sarace 
ni, che erano neri che pareano il Demonio & accostoronsì 
a noi, e menoronci a terra, e ne cercaron per 
uedere se haueuamo danari accioche noi pagassimo 
il passaggio ma non ci trouorono nulla addosso ,e
cosi non hebbero nulla e quiui comprai pesce per 
uno danaro ,che ne harebbe assai dodeci persone 
Poi sì pattissìmo dal detto porto e nauigassìmo in 
Alessandria &c 


Of the city of Tunis, I say this: That it was one
beautiful city, it is built on the river bed
called Nison But once you get it
many wild birds, and eaten, and bite
la géte for tépo at night in bed, so that the
morning they were all silenced, so they don't know each other
each other. And that's why this city abandons
ta, and uninhabited, and it is not a person 'And we with
our Galleys arrived in the port, but we did not
we could approach the land, because of the sea,
which was not yet in the good fortune
that we haueuamo hauuta, like me upstairs
I counted, but the only master of the Galea and the
armiraglio. And then Saraces have been well for thirty
ni, who were black who looked like the Devil & approached
to us, and brought us to the ground, and sought some for
see if we have money for us to pay
the passage but they find nothing on us, e
so they had nothing and here I bought fish for
one money, which would have a good twelve people
Then yes we agreed from the said port and nauigassìmo in
Alessandria & c


المصدر: Viaggio da Vinegia al Santo Sepolcro, & al monte Sinai, con disegni de paesi, citta, porti, chiese, e santi luoghi con additione di genti, & animali, che si trouano da Vinegia fino al Santo Sepolcro con il lamento di Gierusalem. Nuouamente aggionto
by Noè Bianco (رابط)

معلومات عن الكتاب (هنا)

صورة لدمياط من طبعة أخرى (هنا)


صور الكتاب من ويكبيديا كومنز (رابط)

لوحة أخرى لتنيس من طبعة أخرى للكتاب (رابط)

ميناء تنيس
ميناء تنيس

مدينة تنيس
مدينة تنيس

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